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Immigration Law Associates, PC

Articles Tagged: USCIS

Visa Fee Increases Alongside a Proposed 10% USCIS Fee Increase


The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have proposed an increase in the filing fees for certain applications.  Generally speaking, the fees will increase by 10% for most applications and three new fees will be added.   See us for quick efficient work before the fees go up.   In 2007, USCIS increased all filing fees […]

Hardship (I-601) Waiver Becoming More Transparent


The I-601 Waiver or Inadmissibility is a waiver that certain persons can file if they entered the US illegally  or other fraud issues in order to be able to enter the US or to be eligible for a green card or naturalization.  Unfortunately, the I-601 waiver process has been a very lengthy one.  To solve […]