Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Tagged: Law

The Controversial Hungarian Law on Churches, by: Robert Almosd


After its landslide victory during the April 2010 parliamentary elections, the coalition of Fidesz (Fiatal Demokraták Szövetsége-Magyar Polgári Szövetség,(in English, Alliance of Young Democrats-Hungarian Civic Union ) and KDNP (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt, Christian,( in English, Christian Democratic People’s Party) won an unprecedented two-third majority in the Hungarian National Assembly. The new Parliament did not waste time, […]



In recent years, the increasing rate of large-scale immigration has altered local communities all around the world, disrupting many countries’ notions of national identity. In some cases, this has caused extreme anxiety and social unrest in affected communities. In many European nations, the local populations feel that globalization is weakening their cultures, and are thus […]

Immigrants Contribute to Maryland Economy


A recent report from The Commission to Study the Impact of Immigrants in Maryland found that immigrants have a positive impact on Maryland’s economy. The foreign-born population makes up nearly 14 percent of Maryland’s total population. This number is above the national average of foreign-born people in the United States, as well as the foreign-born […]

Canada Seeks Skilled Immigrants to Strengthen Its Economy


    As an estimated large fraction of the Canadian workforce retires this coming year, Canada is expected to suffer a shortage of workers. Statistics show that there will not be enough new workers to fill in for all the people retiring. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has declared that there is a way to avoid […]