Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Tagged: Immigration reform

President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration Blocked!


A federal Judge in Brownsville, Texas has ordered a temporary injunction to President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. While U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of Texas did not rule on the specific legality of the executive action he stated that there was enough merit to warrant an injunction while the case is properly adjudicated. Last […]

House Votes to Reverse Obama’s Immigration Executive Order


On January 14th, the House of Representatives voted to try and block President Obama’s Executive Order relating to Immigration announced last November.  In a 236-191 vote, the House of Representatives passed a spending bill aimed to defund major parts of President’ Obama’s plan.  The vote triggers negotiations with the House and the Senate over the funding […]

No Travel under Obama’s Executive Action


President Obama stressed the importance of family unity in his Executive Action on November 20th, however that may pertain only to families within the United States and does not allow families divided between the United States and their home-states to be reunited.  For Immigrants all over the world, a main priority of theirs is the […]

Executive Action on Immigration: MPI Offers Estimates of Unauthorized Immigrant Populations that Could Receive Relief


Originally written and posted by the The Migration Policy Institute, which is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank in Washington, D.C. dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide. MPI provides analysis, development and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local, national and international levels. Learn more at www.migrationpolicy.org WASHINGTON — As the […]

Is the U.S. Becoming More Immigrant Friendly?


In her May 19, 2014 article in Politico titled “States Take on Immigration,” Seung Min Kim explains that states are increasingly taking immigration into their own hands.  However, where states used to pass laws focusing on immigration law enforcement such as Arizona’s anti-immigration laws partially struck down in 2010, now they are focusing on expanding […]

Discriminatory Practices in the Central American Asylum Credible Fear Process


The American Immigration Council recently issued a special entitled, “Mexican and Central American Asylum and Credible Fear Claims: Background and Context.” This timely report discusses the current rhetoric surrounding the credible fear process and the state of the U.S. asylum system. Specifically, the report examines the legitimacy of credible fear claims based on situations of […]

Asylum Fraud and the Necessity for Reform


This week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing entitled, “Asylum Fraud:  Abusing America’s Compassion?”. Witnesses testified to members of the committee over the concern that there is an increase in people submitting fraudulent asylum applications attempting to take advantage of a generous system in a country known as a […]

DHS Softens the Blow of the False Claims to Citizenship Bar

Immigration Reform


With the enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), Congress introduced a permanent bar to visas, lawful permanent resident status, and naturalization for all noncitizens who make false claims to U.S. citizenship for the purposes of receiving immigration benefits. In the years since its enactment, the academic and legal […]

Newest Information on Immigration Reform Bill (HR15)


H.R. 15 October 24, 2013 Immigration reform is one of the most prominent discussions throughout the United States. Advocates are calling for a comprehensive plan that lays out a viable pathway towards citizenship for the roughly 11 million undocumented individuals that currently reside in the United States. One of the central issues for policy makers […]

Obama Urges House Republicans to Act on Immigration


By MICHAEL D. SHEAR, New York Times Published: October 24, 2013 WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday renewed his call for an immigration overhaul, telling an audience of activists at the White House that the fate of a bipartisan Senate bill now rests with Republicans in the House. “Anyone still standing in the way of this […]