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Immigration Law Associates, PC

Articles Tagged: Beach-Oswald

AILA’s 8 Points from the Senate Immigration Bill


On Tuesday, the bipartisan group of senators known as the “Gang of Eight” introduced S. 744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.” Earlier today, AILA issued this press release commending the Senators for their work on the bill. Below are eight initial points of interest pulled from the bill’s provisions. AILA continues […]

Solitary Confinement of Immigrant Detainees


By: Maureen Johnson* Solitary confinement is one of the most severe punishments that can be levied against a prisoner or detainee. Yet “any given day,” according to a recent article in the New York Times, approximately 300 immigrants are held in solitary confinement at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers across the country. Of […]

Same-Sex Spouses’ Right to Equal Protection


By: Maureen Johnson* Recent polls and statements by political leaders including President Obama demonstrate a growing trend in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. As of this writing, same-sex marriages are nationally recognized in 13 countries worldwide. Nine states and the District of Columbia allow gay marriage. Nevertheless, current laws in the majority of U.S. states […]

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Georgia Company to Resolve Immigration-related Unfair Employment Practices


“The Justice Department announced today that it reached an agreement with Poulan Pecan, resolving allegations that the company violated the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Poulan Pecan is a supplier of pecans located in Poulan, Ga. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division initiated its investigation of Poulan Pecan in 2012, based […]

New I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form Implemented


Starting March 8, 2013, the new I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form went into effect. We would like to remind all employers that earlier versions of the form are now invalid. As of the 8th of March, employers who fail to use the newly revised form are subject to all applicable penalties under section 274A of […]

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorized but the Debate over Immigration Reform and Same Sex Marriage is Far from Over


MAR. 8 – The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), drafted by then Senator Joe Biden with Senator Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) passed last Thursday in Congress following a 2012 stalemate on reauthorization. Although focused on domestic violence, VAWA will likely spark further debates on same sex marriage and immigration reform. Three main provisions at issue […]

¡Bienvenidos a Colombia! (Welcome to Colombia!)


By: Maureen Johnson* As many BOILA clients know, I recently moved to Colombia, South America, in order to study Spanish. As an immigration attorney in the U.S., I have a great deal of experience with the U.S. immigration system. Moving abroad has given me the opportunity to gain insight into another country’s immigration processes and […]