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Immigration Law Associates, PC


Children of Immigrants Suffer Too – Part 6


Changes for young adults, small business owners, workers in large companies, low-income earners, pre-existing conditions and for the elderly will occur within the new healthcare reform. ALL of these groups have parents, children, siblings or grandchildren who will be affected within the immigrant nuclear family.

May Day…an Immigration Issue?


May Day (May 1) is not a holiday usually celebrated in the United States, yet it has significance for Americans because of the reform efforts in the United States to demand equality in the work force.

Children of Immigrants Suffer, Too – Part 5


HEALTH CARE REFORM (HR 3590) AND ITS EFFECT ON IMMIGRANTS Under the new health care reform, undocumented immigrants will get no federal coverage, nor will they be able to purchase private health care insurance even at full cost.  They are not eligible for premium tax credits or cost sharing reductions, nor are they eligible for […]

Arizona Anti-Immigration Legislation Creates Fear in Latino Residents


[youtube=] Frighteningly antiquated laws have been proposed in Arizona state legislature that are as oppressive as they are unconstitutional.  S.B. 1070 includes clauses that would require officials to check the status of a person they deemed “reasonably suspicious” without any regulation or monitoring.  Such a clause not only encourages racial profiling, but it also forces […]

Children of Immigrants Suffer, Too – Part 4


Many children of immigrants came to the U.S. at a young age and were educated through the American public school system. Is it right to deny them the opportunities that are taken for granted by everyone else?

To Deport or Not to Deport: The Pros and Cons


There are currently two ways of removing illegal immigrants from the United States: One way is to make living conditions so unbearable that they return to their country. The other is to directly deport them. But at what cost?

Children of Immigrants Suffer Too


According to the Urban Institute, the fastest growing segment of the United States’ child population is that of children born to immigrant parents. This has created the issue of children with the right to remain in the US while their parents stand a daily chance of being deported.