Immigration Law Assocates, PC

New Work Permit Rules

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On September 11, 2020 the US District Court for Maryland in Casa de Maryland v. Chad Wolf,  issued an injunction against the Trump administration’s limitation on work permits for asylum seekers. Under the court order, members of Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) or Casa de Maryland are given certain benefits. These benefits are: 1) ability to apply for a work permit 150 days after filing an asylum application and become eligible to receive a work permit after 180 days; 2) members of the organization do not have to pay the $85 biometrics fee that other work permit applicants must pay; 3) members’ first work permit will be processing within 30 days; 4) ability to apply for a work permit even if you filed for asylum more than one year after entering the US; and 5) have an asylum application “deemed complete” if it has been pending with USCIS for more than 30 days ensuring that the members can apply for a work permit.

To join ASAP: https://asylumadvocacy.org/members/

To join Casa de Maryland: https://wearecasa.org/membership/

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