Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Temporary Protected Status Designated Country: Yemen

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The Department of Homeland Security announced yesterday that the Republic of Yemen has been designated for Temporary Protected Status (“TPS”) for a period of 18 months, beginning September 3, 2015 and running through March 3, 2017.  The Secretary of Homeland Security designated Yemen for TPS due to the ongoing armed conflict within Yemen, such that the return of Yemeni nationals would pose a serious threat to their personal safety.

The TPS designation allows Yemeni nationals who have continuously resided in and been continuously present in the United States since September 3, 2015 to be eligible for TPS.  If you are a Yemeni national and believe you are eligible for TPS you may apply within the 180 day registration period beginning on September 3, 2015 and ending on March 1, 2016.  You are also permitted to apply for an Employment Authorization Document and travel authorization.

Beach-Oswald Immigration Law Associates has a great deal of experience with TPS cases and would be more than happy to assist you in this process should you have any questions or concerns.

Filed under: Citizenship, dc blog immigration law, dc immigration blog, dc immigration law, dc immigration lawyer, Immigration Issues, immigration law, immigration law dc, Naturalization, Visa

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