Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Categorized: department of homeland security

Filed your N-400? Your Green Card is Extended.


On Dec. 12, 2022, USCIS updated their Policy Manual to automatically extend the validity of Permanent Resident Cards (commonly called Green Cards) for lawful permanent residents who have applied for naturalization. This update is expected to help naturalization applicants who are experiencing longer processing times, because their green card will automatically be valid past the […]

DACA final rule takes effect this month


On Halloween this year, the Biden administration’s final regulation on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) went into effect. The final version of this rule closely reflects the original executive order enacted in 2012 during the Obama Administration. So, what is deferred action? Deferred action is a longstanding immigration practice that is granted by the […]

Rollback of “public charge” immigration penalty


On September 8, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a final rule on how DHS will enforce the public charge ground of inadmissibility. This rule clarifies what it means to be a “public charge”, and furthermore no longer punishes immigrants who choose to access government services. This move by the Biden Administration rolls […]

The Unfortunate Realities of the U.S. Immigration Courts


Most of the general public is not aware of the way in which immigration courts function in the United States.  With all the discussion in the media concerning undocumented child migrants and increased deportations, the realities of the current immigration court system should be more publicized.  According to the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) […]

Enhancing the Lives of Unaccompanied Minors


According to CNN, every day, hundreds of unoccupied minors cross the southwest border into the United States via rafts with instructional guides on how to reach the Border Patrol station to surrender in search of a better life. Usually, once at the station, they are given paperwork and admitted into the United States with a […]

Living in Car Culture Without A License: The Ripple Effects of Withholding Driver’s Licenses from Unauthorized Immigrants

driver's license


The Immigration Policy Center recently published an article entitled, “Living in Car Culture Without A License: The Ripple Effects of Withholding Driver’s Licenses from Unauthorized Immigrants,” by Sarah E. Hendricks. This timely article examines the culture of cars and mobility that dominates the way of life in the United States and the impacts of restricting […]

Employment Authorization for Certain H-4 Dependent Spouses


Spouses and children who qualify for dependent nonimmigrant classification of H-1B are eligible for H-4 nonimmigrant visa status. However, unlike the spouses of E and L nonimmigrant visa status holders, H-1B dependent spouses are ineligible to apply for employment authorization. Being ineligible for employment authorization causes huge impact on lives of H-1B spouses as they […]

Governor McAuliffe Statement on In-State Tuition for Virginia DREAMers


Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement today following Attorney General Mark Herring’s announcement that Virginia law makes students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) status, otherwise known as DREAMers, eligible for in-state tuition at Virginia public community colleges and universities: “As I said throughout my campaign, I believe that Virginia children who were […]