Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Tagged: Justice Kennedy

Same-Sex Spouses’ Right to Equal Protection


By: Maureen Johnson* Recent polls and statements by political leaders including President Obama demonstrate a growing trend in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. As of this writing, same-sex marriages are nationally recognized in 13 countries worldwide. Nine states and the District of Columbia allow gay marriage. Nevertheless, current laws in the majority of U.S. states […]

Supreme Court Sustains Arizona ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Provision, Blocks Remainder Of State’s Controversial Law


By: Stephen Koerting* On Monday, June 25, the Supreme Court ruled on the controversial Arizona Immigration Law, S.B. 1070, from 2010. The Court unanimously sustained the central “show me your papers” provision that requires state law enforcement to determine the immigration status of individuals they have stopped or arrested, if an illegal status is reasonably […]

SB 1070 Decision Makes Way for Continuing Legal Disputes


In 2010, not long after Arizona approved SB 1070, the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona joined with other civil rights organizations and filed a suit on behalf of twenty four individuals who believed the law to be unconstitutional. The ACLU argued that the law would lead to racial profiling and that the state of […]