Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Tagged: Beach Oswald Immigration Law

Lack of Transparency at Artesia Detention Center


In June of this year, the Department of Homeland Security opened a federal immigration detention center in an isolated New Mexico desert town, Artesia.  This facility was built during this summer in response to the surge of women and children migrants from Central America, in particular Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  Although it was constructed […]

The Unfortunate Realities of the U.S. Immigration Courts


Most of the general public is not aware of the way in which immigration courts function in the United States.  With all the discussion in the media concerning undocumented child migrants and increased deportations, the realities of the current immigration court system should be more publicized.  According to the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) […]

Immigration Friendly Attitudes at the Local Level in Cities


Around the country, many cities are embracing immigrants new to their communities and promoting integration.  The oftentimes-negative rhetoric concerning immigration policy relating to  the inaction of Congress does not necessarily influence the immigration-friendly attitudes at the local level. These newcomers are indeed adapting and becoming consumers, business owners, homeowners, etc. and contributing their purchasing power, […]

Immigration Court Backlogs Reach All-Time High


Due to the recent surge of unaccompanied children migrants the backlog in Immigration Courts has reached an all-time high.  At the end of June the back log totaled 375,503 cases, which is an increase of more than 50,000 since the start of the 2013 fiscal year.  Specifically the number of juvenile cases has increased to […]

Two Years Later: The Impact of DACA


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program is an Obama Administration initiative implemented to extend rights and benefits to the growing number of undocumented youths and young adults living in the United States. The program allows youths and young adults meeting certain requirements to temporarily defer deportation and receive both eligibility for renewable two-year work […]

Opening a Window for Asylum Claims Based on Family Ties


In Aldana-Ramos v. Holder, just issued on June 27, 2014, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit held that family alone can constitute a particular social group, and thus an asylee who has been persecuted on account of his or her family membership can qualify for asylum. In Aldana-Ramos v. Holder, the […]

Questions and Answers for School Districts and Parents


Documentation Q ‐1. Should a district inquire into the immigration or citizenship status of a student or parent as a means of establishing the student’s residency in the district? A‐1. No. Immigration or citizenship status would not be relevant to establishing residency in the district. Q ‐2. All students, except homeless students as provided by […]



Presidents’ Day, initially called Washington’s Birthday, became a federal holiday in 1880.  It was celebrated on President Washington’s birthday – February 22 – and was the first holiday dedicated to a US citizen.   This holiday was signed into law in 1968.  By the mid 1980s, many state governments changed this holiday Presidents’ Day so that […]

Chinese New Year Celebrates the Year of the Rabbit


by Lusy Lisyanova The Chinese New Year has been celebrated for hundreds of years, and yet not many people in the United States are familiar with its meanings and rituals. Known as the Chinese Lunar New Year, the holiday is based on the lunar cycle, thus the date is not fixed.   This year, it begins […]

Advance Notice of HHS Poverty Guidelines 2011


Due to increase in prices on goods, the poverty guidelines that determine what the Petitioner, or Applicant must make as income have increased. This affects all I-864 (affidavits of support). “This notice provides an update of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) poverty guidelines to account for last calendar year’s increase in prices […]