Four Brief Synopsis on recent Events concerning Immigration
Chamber of Commerce of the United States v. Whiting (Sup. Ct. oral arg. on Wed.)
“Plain English Issue: An Arizona law requires state employers to check the immigration status of job applicants through a federal computer database, although the federal law creating the database makes its use voluntary. Arizona also revokes the business license of state companies that hire undocumented workers. Are these provisions pre-empted by federal immigration laws?” ScotusBlog, including links to briefs.
Jeb Bush bashes SB 1070
“Bush is a staunch conservative — speaking out against SB 1070 in that crowd is a big-time no-no. So, such statements coming from a right-winger (who may want to be president?) like him are a bit shocking…but there’s a twist.” James King, Dec. 6, 2010
NY Gov. pardons 6 facing deportation
“Gov. David A. Paterson announced pardons on Monday for six immigrants facing deportation because of old criminal convictions, including a financial administrator at the City University of New York.” NYT, Dec. 6, 2010.
Congressman seeks humanitarian visa for soldier’s wife
“Congressman Luis Gutierrez is asking for a humanitarian visa for the family of a National Guard soldier from Chicago. The soldier’s wife and infant son are stranded in Mexico – while the soldier is to be deployed in Afghanistan.” WBBM, Dec. 6, 2010.