Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Increase in Fees by Department of State

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The Department of State has announced that it will change fees for certain types of applications. These fee changes will take effect on September 12, 2014. The most important changes include a reduction in the E Treaty Investor/Treaty Trader fees from $270 to $205 and an increase in the fee for a K Fiancé Visa from $240 to $265.  Other significant changes include an increase in the processing fees for immigrant visa applications for the immediate relative family-based preference (from $230 to $325) and a decrease in the fee for employment-based preference categories (from $405 to $345).

Application fees will be grandfathered for applicants that paid their visa fee before September 12, 2014 and will have their visa interview on or before December 11, 2014. Applicants who paid their fees before September 12, 2014, but with visa appointments after December 12, 2014 will have to pay any increase in fees. There will be no refunds for visa application fees that were paid before September 12, 2014 where the new fee has decreased.

Filed under: dc blog immigration law, dc immigration blog, dc immigration law, Immigration Issues, immigration law, immigration law dc, Visa

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