Immigration Law Assocates, PC

Articles Categorized: immigrants in military

Prosecutorial Discretion or its informal name “How to get the Government to Drop its Immigration Case Against You”


Prosecutorial discretion allows the government to choose whether or not to take enforcement action against a person. In the immigration context, US government attorneys have discretion when to terminate removal proceedings against an immigrant. In May 2021, USCIS issued a memorandum which encouraged US government attorneys to use prosecutorial discretion to expedite cases and move […]

The Unfortunate Realities of the U.S. Immigration Courts


Most of the general public is not aware of the way in which immigration courts function in the United States.  With all the discussion in the media concerning undocumented child migrants and increased deportations, the realities of the current immigration court system should be more publicized.  According to the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) […]

Asylum Fraud and the Necessity for Reform


This week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing entitled, “Asylum Fraud:  Abusing America’s Compassion?”. Witnesses testified to members of the committee over the concern that there is an increase in people submitting fraudulent asylum applications attempting to take advantage of a generous system in a country known as a […]