Immigration Law Assocates, PC

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A simplified step for immigrants with disabilities


Yesterday, U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it is making an update to a form which will help streamline the immigration process. The N-648 form, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, has long been criticized for being outdated with unpractical and redundant questions. The updated N-648 form has been shortened and now has the […]

New migration pathway for Venezuelans


On October 12, the path to citizenship for Venezuelan immigrants changed significantly: the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new immigration procedure due to the surge in migration from Venezuela. In its effort to build a “fair, orderly, and secure immigration system,” the Biden-Harris administration has mandated that any Venezuelan who seeks to enter […]

Rollback of “public charge” immigration penalty


On September 8, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a final rule on how DHS will enforce the public charge ground of inadmissibility. This rule clarifies what it means to be a “public charge”, and furthermore no longer punishes immigrants who choose to access government services. This move by the Biden Administration rolls […]

Advanced “due dates” detract from due process


In recent weeks, the national news spotlight has been on immigration. Several Republican governors continue to send incoming migrants in buses to left-leaning cities, often without the understanding or consent of those involved. Without legal status, many of these migrants will be seeking defensive asylum to avoid being deported back to danger in their home […]

“Statue of Liberty Plan” would facilitate climate migration


In August, the Roosevelt Institute published a new proposal which reimagines the U.S. immigration system as the most welcoming in the world to immigrants and refugees. Published as The Statue of Liberty Plan, tenets of the proposal include migration for economic and cultural renewal, sustaining the declining U.S. population, and combating authoritarianism. The plan proposes […]

It is H-1B Season! Do Not Delay! The Deadline to File is April 1, 2015


Do you have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent? Will you be working in a specialty occupation? Will you be earning a wage? The H-1B visa has an annual numerical limit, or cap, of 65,000 visas each fiscal year. Cap numbers are often used up very quickly, so it is important to plan in advance […]

House Votes to Reverse Obama’s Immigration Executive Order


On January 14th, the House of Representatives voted to try and block President Obama’s Executive Order relating to Immigration announced last November.  In a 236-191 vote, the House of Representatives passed a spending bill aimed to defund major parts of President’ Obama’s plan.  The vote triggers negotiations with the House and the Senate over the funding […]

No Travel under Obama’s Executive Action


President Obama stressed the importance of family unity in his Executive Action on November 20th, however that may pertain only to families within the United States and does not allow families divided between the United States and their home-states to be reunited.  For Immigrants all over the world, a main priority of theirs is the […]

Dispossession through Deportation


A recent report released by the humanitarian advocacy group, No More Deaths  states that of the 400,000 people deported from the United States during the fiscal year 2013, nearly one third were deported without their personal belongings and money.  This is a serious issue that often goes unreported and continues under the radar, since these […]

No More U-Visas for the 2015 Fiscal Year!


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has already approved the statutory maximum of 10,000 petitions for U-1 Nonimmigrant Status (U-Visas) for the 2015 fiscal year that began on October 1, 2014.  The cap was reached almost immediately due to the applicants who were on the wait list from the 2014 fiscal year. Unfortunately, this means […]